THE EarthMix® DIFFERENCE...not all soils are created equal
EarthMix® blends and boosters are developed with 100% organic components to grow naturally pest and disease resistant plants, the way nature intended. Expect results your grandmother would approve of when she said,

Achieve optimum results growing shrubs, trees, groundcover, perennials, vegetables, fruits, and flowers when you use natural, organically produced EarthMix® blends and boosters, because
Success begins at the ground level.
How your garden grows...
How your garden grows has everything to do with the quality of the soil it's growing in. All serious gardens recognize the importance of having a vital and live garden soil. Most of the gardening issues that occur are a direct result of problems that arise from soil that does not give plants the opportunity for success. Most soils simply lack natural fertility. Many gardeners therefore, attempt to make up the difference by applying chemical fertilizers, most often in liquid form. While water-soluble fertilizers may add a boost, their additive properties are short lived.
EarthMix® garden soils are highly productive garden soils that naturally occur, achieve consistent productivity due to their inherent structure. They are garden soils and amendments that are rich in beneficial microorganisms such as mycorrhizae, demonstrate the ability to grow plants in a natural, organic fashion without the need of chemical fertilizers.

What gardeners say about EarthMix®
My garden loves EarthMix so much that I will drive 1 1/2 hours round trip to purchase this rich blend!
-Melanie G. Springfield, TN
I have been a Tennessee Master Gardener since 1991, self-employed since 1996 and specialized in Perennial/Ornamental plant materials in 2000. I can't say enough about EarthMix Garden Products or how much I depend upon them!!! I fully endorse EarthMix Garden Products.
-Kim Bradley TLC Gardening, Nashville, TN
As I walk through my gardens, I hear a sigh of contentment for the application of EarthMix.
-Carole N. Nashville, TN
I have used EarthMix for years now. In 2009, I began shopping around and it did not take me long to realize that EarthMix products were the best. My soil improved at a much more rapid rate which in turn made my flowers, plants, garden, deck plants, everything do so much better. Thank you EarthMix!
-Bumpus M. Nashville, TN
EarthMix Pine Fines Soil Conditioner: Below ground: the antidote to compacted, clay soil; Above ground; an attractive alternative to traditional mulch.
-Sara W. Goodlettsville, TN
We use EarthMix on every job we install. We have been doing so for over 10 years; we rarely have any warranty issues. The plants don't just live, but truly thrive.
-Alan Lincoln, H & L Landscape Services Nashville, TN
How do I love EarthMix in my gardens? Let me count the weighs - 3 scoops Topsoil Blend, 20 bags Compost.
-Teresa T. Nashville, TN